Excellent attendance and punctuality is crucial to success. We encourage every child to aim for 100% attendance, maximising their learning opportunities and helping them to achieve their full potential. Evidence shows that pupils who maintain excellent attendance achieve more, and make better progress – both academically and socially. We work closely with parents to support them in helping their child to understand the importance of good attendance – laying the foundations for future success at secondary school and beyond to the work place. Pupil attendance is closely monitored, and unexplained absence will be followed up. This includes where pupils fall below our minimum attendance expectation rate of 95%. Parents are asked to follow the procedure below in case of unavoidable absence, including for medical reasons. We also ask parents to contact us if there are any issues that may impact on their child’s ability to attend, so that we can provide help and support with this, including making adjustments so that pupils are able to attend.
Reporting absence
- If your child is going to be absent, please call us on the first day of absence on 01484 712361.
Please inform us on each day of a child’s absence.
Holidays during term-time
Please note that holidays during term-time will not be authorised, and will be recorded as unauthorised absence. We ask that parents check our term dates page carefully before booking any holidays. If you would like to read more about our approach to attendance, please see our Attendance Policy.